Purple Tang
- Species Information
- Scientific Name:Zebrasoma xanthurum
- Described:Purple Tang
- Temperament:can be very aggressive towards other species of similar body size.
- Maximum Size:10 inches

Zebrasoma xanthurum
The purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum (Blyth, 1852) is a gorgeous addition to any aquarium, but may be difficult to keep with others of the same species as it can be quite aggressive. It is among the most aggressive of its genus. It may also pick at corals. The purple tang can help curb the growth of algae in aquariums.
Physical Description– The adult purple tang may reach up to 10” in length. As the name suggest the purple tang is primarily purple to blue, with a yellow tail and pectoral fins with yellow accents.
Temperament– The purple tang can be very aggressive towards other species of similar body size.
Diet– The purple tang is an herbivore but will feed on meat during early stages of growth with a shifting emphasis on plant matter as it reaches maturity.
Distribution– The purple tang originates from the Red Sea, but may also be found in the Arabian sea and other areas thereabouts.