Blue Unicorn Tang
- Species Information
- Scientific Name:Naso Brevirostris
- Described:Blue Unicorn Tang
- Temperament:Peaceful
- Maximum Size:2 feet
- Ideal Tank Size:A minimum of 360 gallons

Naso Brevirostris
Naso Brevirostris (Cuvier, 1829) is commonly known as the spotted unicorn tang or blue unicorn tang. The blue unicorn tang gets its name due to the large horn and blue coloration it acquires as an adult. Reaching a maximum length of two feet, the blue unicorn tang is best kept in large aquariums of at least 360 gallons. Like other members of the tang family, the blue unicorn tang is a very active swimmer and will constantly graze amongst live rock. The blue unicorn tang is found throughout the Indo-Pacific, as well as Hawaii around reef drop-offs and lagoons. At the Sustainable Islands Project, they are quarantined and transitioned to prepared foods before being offered to customers. They are fed 2-3 times daily a mixed diet of our Hatchery Diet, nori, live nauplii brine, frozen Mysis shrimp, and spirulina brine shrimp to ensure optimum health.
Physical Description– As a juvenile, the blue unicorn tang has a circular body shape before becoming more elongate as an adult. Juveniles also appear more silver and lack the characteristic horn. As an adult, the blue unicorn tang will develop the horn along with a dark blue body coloration and series of dark spots.
Temperament– Like most tangs, the blue unicorn tang will get along well with many members of an aquarium and is reef safe. It is best housed as the only unicorn species to prevent aggressive behavior.
Size– Reaching 2 feet in length, the blue unicorn tang is best kept in large home aquariums and public aquariums. A minimum of 360 gallons is recommended for this species and proper filtration such as a protein skimmer is important for this high-bioload fish to ensure proper water quality.
Diet– They are fed 2-3 times daily a mixed diet of our Hatchery Diet, nori, live nauplii brine, frozen Mysis shrimp, and spirulina brine shrimp to ensure optimum health.
Distribution– The blue unicorn tang is found in the Indo-Pacific from the Red Sea east to Hawaii. Their range extends north to southern Japan and south to Lord Howe Island off the eastern coast of Australia.