Zebra Dartfish
- Species Information

Ptereleotris zebra
A visually appealing, hardy, and peaceful fish, the Zebra Dartfish, Ptereleotris zebra (Fowler, 1938) is an excellent addition to nearly any tank. While they can be kept singly, they are best kept in a group of several individuals, depending upon tank size. Once acclimated to their new surroundings, they can typically be found hovering in the water column looking for any stray food particles to snatch-up. As a planktivorous group, dartfish gain a majority of their diet from picking zooplankton out of the water, so frequent small feedings are helpful. A tank with sand and live rock is ideal for them to explore, as well as to burrow in at night. The Zebra Dartfish gets along with nearly all tankmates, but can be easily startled, and has been known to jump out of tanks. To prevent this, be sure to have a secure lid or cover on top of the tank. A screen can be used if an open-top styling is preferred.
Physical- The Zebra Dartfish has a long, slender body, typically green to grey, with vertical pinkish-orange bars running down their body. Hints of blue may be found around the eyes, gill cover, and dorsal fin.
Temperament- Zebra Dartfish are extremely peaceful with both their own kind as well as other tankmates. Care should be taken not to place them in a tank with other aggressive fish, as the Dartfish will likely hide to avoid being harassed.
Size- These fish reach a maximum length of around 4”.
Diet– Dartfish gain a majority of their diet from picking zooplankton out of the water, so frequent small feedings are helpful. Zebra Dartfish are carnivorous and prefer a diet rich in properly sized meaty foods, such as frozen brine and mysis shrimp. They will also eagerly accept our own SA Hatchery Diet pellet food.
Distribution- The Zebra Dartfish are found throughout the Indo-Pacific area, from the Red Sea to the Marquesan Islands and from the Ryukyu Islands of Japan down to the Great Barrier Reef.