Lemonpeel Angelfish
- Species Information
- Scientific Name:Centropyge flavissima
- Family:Pomacanthidae
- Origin:Fiji, Vanuatu
- Temperament:Semi-aggressive
- Maximum Size:6"
- Ideal Tank Size:30 gallons

Centropyge flavissima
The Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge flavissima, Cuvier, 1831) is one of the more popular dwarf angels in the hobby. With its beautiful yellow body and hints of sky blue, these fish can make an excellent visual addition to most tanks. Caution must be taken though, as these fish can be aggressive towards others. A 30 gallon tank is suitable, but to avoid aggressiveness of this Angelfish, a larger tank is preferred, with lots of live rock to pick at and hide in
Diet: Lemonpeels are omniverous, and need a diet of both algae and meaty prepared foods. Macroalgae, spirulina enriched foods, and mysis shrimp are suggested. They also respond well to our hatchery diet. Ideally, a well established aquarium with lots of micro/macro algae is suggested, as these angelfish are known to nip at both corals and clams.
Physical Description: Often confused with the Herald’s Angelfish (C. heraldi), the Lemonpeel Angelfish also has a bright yellow body. But, unlike the Herald’s, the Lemonpeel has a bright blue ring around its eyes, as well as blue edging along the operculum, dorsal, pectoral, anal, and caudal fins. Juveniles typically have a large, black spot on their side, also surrounded by a blue ring, which fades as they mature.
Temperament: Lemonpeels are territorial, and will seek out an area of the tank to defend. They are known to be aggressive not only towards other dwarf angels, but also any similarly-sized or colored fish. It is adviseable to add this fish last if smaller fish are also present. Larger fish are typically unaffected by this angel.
Size: One of the larger pygmy angels, the Angelpeel grows up to 6″ in length.
Distribution: Found throughout the South Pacific, as far south as Australia, as far east as Easter Island.
Interesting Fact: The Lemonpeel Angelfish is known to hybridize in the wild with both the Eibl’s Angelfish (C. eibli) and the Halfblack Angelfish (C. vroliki). These hybrids show up in the trade from time to time, and fetch a premium price.