Midas blenny
- Species Information
- Scientific Name:Ecsenius midas
- Described:Midas blenny
- Temperament:Peaceful
- Maximum Size:5 inches

Ecsenius midas
The midas blenny Ecsenius midas, (Starck 1969) is a favorite among marine hobbyists. Its bright golden color, striking blue eyes, and comical personality will add beauty and entertainment to any saltwater tank. The midas blenny is reef safe and does best when housed in a tank with live sand and rock work. These fish will often hide in rock or coral crevices but will come out and swim freely once acclimated to their tank. Midas blennies are quite active during feeding time as they propel themselves through the water in an eel-like fashion chasing after food. These fish are relatively easy to transition to prepared foods. At our Sustainable Islands project we feed them our hatchery diet, Spirulina brine, and mysis. Though they generally reside on the bottom of aquariums, midas blennies can jump out of an uncovered tank so a tight fitting lid is required.
Physical Description– The midas blenny has the typical characteristics of a combtooth blenny: the comb-like teeth from which their name is derived, a blunt face, and large eyes. The midas blenny is usually a golden yellow color but they can change and darken their color when frightened or stressed. Some fish from the coast of Africa have a purple coloration instead of yellow. They always have dazzling blue eyes.
Temperament– Like most blennies, these fish are peaceful and will get along with most peaceful fish. They may fight with others of their kind so keep only one per tank unless a pair is acquired, or two are added at a small size at the same time. They may become territorial and chase fish away from their hiding place, especially if they have a similar body shape.
Size– The midas blenny is one of the largest in its genus, reaching a maximum size of 5 inches. They should be kept in at least 30 gallons, with a larger tank being preferable to reduce aggression.
Diet– At our Sustainable Islands project we feed them our Hatchery Diet, Spirulina brine, and mysis.
Distribution– The midas blenny has a range throughout the Indo Pacific. Our specimens usually come from Africa and the Red Sea.
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